

Mendittorosa has always encouraged reuse.

Especially the wooden boxes can have a new life for many purposes in your home.

If you decide to dispose of something please do it in a responsible way:

The glass flacons go into glass containers.

Daymon, caps and tales, are so beautiful and joyful, please don’t get rid of them. Keep them as decoration or a souvenir. If not, they go into mixed containers.

Daymon boxes are made of paper and go into paper collection.

Alfa, Omega, Id caps and charms. Into plastic and metal. The boxes are made of natural wood, and it is really a pity not to keep them for coins, pencils or whatever. If you want to get rid of them, they go into mixed collection.

Archetipo, Rituale and Lacura , caps are handmade in iron around a plastic cap. If they have to go, you should put them into metal and plastic for recycling. The boxes are made of natural wood, and it is really a pity not to keep them for spices or cards. If you want to get rid of them, they go into mixed collection.

North and South caps and charms goes into Plastic and Metal. The boxes are made of natural wood, and it is really a pity not to keep them for keys or whatever. If you want to get rid of them, they go into mixed collection.

Ithaka, Orlo and Albatros caps are handmade with love in natural decorated wood and plastic, if you don’t want to keep, they go into mixed. The boxes are made of natural wood, and it is really a pity not to keep them for notes or poems. If you want to get rid of them, they go into mixed collection.

Le Mat, Sogno Reale, Sirio, Nettuno caps are handmade in ceramic or wood by an Italian artist. They are nice objects of decoration and souvenirs of Mendittorosa, if not, they go into mixed containers.

Nettuno charm is a kind of jewel, not to waste. If it has to go, it should be into glass recycling.

Sirio and Le Mat charm are handmade ceramics as the caps, in case they should go into mixed collection.

Athanor, Osang, Talento, Amygdala boxes are handmade in cupboard and paper. If you really don’t want reuse them for collecting small things, they should go to paper recycling. If you remove the inner soft part that should go into mixed containers.

Athanor and Amygdala caps are very precious and handmade by an Italian goldsmith. They are of bronze and gemstones sculptured around a plastic cap. Please don’t throw them away. In case you do, they should go into plastic and metals.

Osang and Talento caps are ceramic and handmade by an Italian artist. Keep them as decorative elements on your bookshelves. If not, they should go into mixed collection.

Osang and Talento tassels are handmade with love in natural fibers. You can reuse as decoration or pendants. If not, they should go into mixed collection.